I had my second date with J. It was wonderful. I actually had a wonderful time. He took me for dinner when we met up. Then we went to his place and took a little cat nap. His bird called me a nasty name because she did not like that I was there wit him. We cuddled a lot and talked a lot and just had fun being together. We ever played board games for the fun of it. We took a nice ride in the country and we picked apples off a tree on the side of the road to eat. I havent done that since I was a kid. We went to his favorite swimming hole that is under a bridge. I had an encounter with a snake and didn't even freak out. He took me to meet his parents and made me breakfast. We did have one encounter of "fun" and it was magical. But the thing about this (not sure what to label it as yet) is not about sex by any means. yeah we did it, but it wasn't all about that. We spent more time cuddling and just enjoying being together than anything else. Sharing stories and thoughts and just things about life. And even though it was late when we got back he still stood outside with me and talked and hugged me and kissed me and kept telling me how much he didn't want to leave and just wanted to take me back home with him. He did not get home until 3am. I felt really bad, but I know that it was so late because he didn't want me to go any more than I did. I'm starting to fall for him really bad, but I am still keeping my feet on the ground. I'm not expecting too much, or anything at all. Just honesty. I'm not being all stupid and saying stupid shit to mess this up. I want this one to happen legitly. So I am allowing him to set the pace and I'm just going with it as I feel I am ready for it.
There is definitely something between and 2 of us. I just haven't figured it out yet.
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